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Home » Featured » Did George Jones Leave His Daughter Any Money? Find Out Here

Did George Jones Leave His Daughter Any Money? Find Out Here

By Your Money Site
George Jones

Key Points:

  1. George Jones’ Will: Jones left most of his assets to his last wife, Nancy. However, he did leave a $50,000 bank account to his daughter, Georgette Jones Lennon. His other daughter, Susan, was not included in the will.
  2. Legal Implications and Disputes: Susan Jones, who was left out of the will, filed a lawsuit that resulted in her being awarded $2 million.
  3. Complex Family Dynamics: The relationship between George Jones and his daughter, Georgette Jones Lennon, was strained, but they were working on improving it before his passing. Despite the controversies over his estate, Jones’ impact on country music remains significant.

George Jones was a legendary country music singer and songwriter with a career spanning more than six decades. Jones was known for his distinctive voice and his ability to convey emotion through his music. Jones was married four times and had four children from his previous marriages. The question of whether George Jones left any money to his daughter has been a topic of discussion among fans and the media. Some have criticized Jones for not providing for his daughter, while others have defended his decision.

George Jones’ Will and Estate

Jones left a will filed in Nashville on May 22, 2013, and in it, he left most of his assets to his fourth and last wife, Nancy. Jones and Nancy had been married for over 30 years at the time of his death. However, the question remains whether Jones left any money to his daughter, Georgette Jones Lennon. Georgette is the only child of Jones and Tammy Wynette, his third wife. The relationship between Georgette and her father was complicated, and they had been estranged for many years.

On April 26, 2013, at 81, George Jones passed away. According to Georgette, she and her father were trying to improve their relationship. They had even recorded many duets together before he passed away.

The Question of Inheritance: Did George Jones Leave His Daughter Any Money?

George Jones, the legendary country music singer, passed away on April 26, 2013, leaving behind a legacy of hit songs and a complicated family situation. One of the questions that has been asked since his passing is whether he left any money to his daughter, Georgette Jones Lennon.


According to a will filed in Nashville on May 22, 2013, George Jones left most of his assets to his wife, Nancy. This included their main house in Franklin, Tennessee, as well as two additional homes in Brentwood and Nashville. Nancy also inherited Jones’s car, jewelry, and musical instruments.

Allegedly, George Jones gave his daughter Georgette a $50,000 bank account in his will, while his other daughter, Susan, was left out.

Legal Implications

It is important to note that Jones had the legal right to distribute his assets as he saw fit. In Tennessee, as in most states, a person can leave their property to whomever they choose, whether that be a spouse, child, friend, or charity.

It is unclear whether Georgette Jones Lennon contested her father’s will or attempted to make a claim on his estate. However, it is important to note that the legal process for challenging a will can be complex and expensive and that the outcome is not guaranteed.

Overall, the evidence suggests that George Jones did leave a small amount to his daughter, Georgette Jones Lennon – a $50,000 Bank Account, in his will. While this amount may be considered modest by some, it’s important to remember that George Jones had the legal right to distribute his assets as he saw fit, and his decision should be respected.

Legal Battles and Outcomes

While George’s will did leave some assets to his daughters, not all of them were satisfied with the distribution. This led to legal complications, one of which was Susan Jones filing a lawsuit against Nancy Jones.

Susan claimed that Nancy prevented her from spending time with her father during his dying years and that she was entitled to a share of George’s wealth after he passed away.

The lawsuit was settled in 2017, with Susan being awarded $2 million. According to court documents, the settlement was reached after mediation and was “in the best interest of all parties involved.”

Jones’ Relationship with His Daughter

Did George Jones Leave His Daughter Any Money

George Jones had a complicated relationship with his daughter, Georgette Jones. The two had a rocky relationship for many years. In her memoir, ‘The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George,’ Georgette detailed the challenges she faced being the child of two country music legends. She highlighted the absence of normalcy and the immense pressure that accompanied her upbringing.”

Jones claimed that his daughter was obsessed with money and had a history of taking advantage of him.

According to Jones, his daughter had asked him for money several times, and he had given her money on numerous occasions. However, he claimed that she never appreciated his generosity and always wanted more.

In a video message posted on his website, Jones thanked his fans for their support during his recent illness. However, he also used the opportunity to admonish his daughter, Georgette, accusing her of spreading lies about him on the internet.

Georgette was reportedly devastated by her father’s words. She claimed that her father’s accusations were unfounded and that she had never said anything negative about him online.

Georgette shared that her father, George Jones, had been unfairly tricked by various individuals who took advantage of his wealth.

Despite the tension between them, Georgette did eventually reconnect with her father after the death of her mother Tammy Wynette. To learn more about the financial implications of Tammy’s passing, explore our article on ‘Who Inherited Tammy Wynette’s Money?‘.

They even performed together on a few occasions, including at the Grand Ole Opry. When George passed away in 2013, Georgette publicly expressed her grief, emphasizing her love for her father despite their past issues. She continues to honor her father’s legacy through her music.

George Jones Net Worth at Death

According to Celebrity Net Worth, George Jones had an estimated net worth of $35 million dollars at the time of his death in 2013. However, it is important to note that this figure is just an estimate and may not be entirely accurate.

Jones’ net worth was primarily derived from his successful music career, which spanned over five decades. He had numerous hit songs and sold millions of albums throughout his career. In addition to his music career, Jones also had several business ventures, including a record label and a music publishing company.

Despite his success, there were also reports of financial troubles throughout Jones’ life. In the 1980s, he filed for bankruptcy after accumulating significant debt. However, he was able to bounce back and continue his successful career.

George Jones’ Family: Wives and Children

George Jones Wives

George Jones was married four times during his lifetime. Here’s the information about his marriages in a tabular form:

Marriage Number Wife’s Name Year of Marriage Year of Divorce Total Years
1 Dorothy Bonvillion 1950 1951 1
2 Shirley Ann Corley 1954 1968 14
3 Tammy Wynette 1969 1975 6
4 Nancy Sepulvado 1983 George’s death in 2013 30

Note: The last marriage ended with George’s death in 2013, and Nancy Sepulvado remained his wife until then. The total tenure of each marriage is calculated from the year of marriage to the year of divorce or till George’s death in the case of his last marriage.

George Jones Children

George Jones had four children.

  • Susan Jones: George Jones and his first wife, Dorothy Bonvillion, had one daughter named Susan.
  • Jeffrey Jones: Jones and his second wife, Shirley Ann Corley, had two sons. Jeffrey is one of them.
  • Brian Jones: Brian is the second son from George Jones’ marriage to Shirley Ann Corley.
  • Georgette Jones: Georgette is the daughter of George Jones and his most famous spouse, fellow country music star Tammy Wynette. She is also a country music artist herself.


  • How Many Wives Did George Jones Have?
    George Jones had four wives during his lifetime.
  • How Many Children Did George Jones Have?
    George Jones had four children – Susan, Jeffrey, Brian, and Georgette Jones.
  • What Was George Jones’ Net Worth at Death?
    At the time of his death in 2013, George Jones had an estimated net worth of $35 million.
  • Did George Jones and Tammy Wynette Have a Child Together?
    Yes, George Jones and Tammy Wynette had a daughter together named Georgette Jones.
  • When Did George Jones and Tammy Wynette Divorce?
    George Jones and Tammy Wynette divorced in 1975.


The article delves into the intriguing aspects of George Jones’ life, his successful music career, and the complex family dynamics that were part of his legacy. It also scrutinizes Jones’ will, particularly the allocation of his assets, sparking a conversation on his decision to leave most of his fortune to his last wife, Nancy, while his daughters received less. The piece offers an intimate look into Jones’ strained relationship with his daughter Georgette, their attempts at reconciliation, and the controversy surrounding his financial legacy. Despite the ups and downs, George Jones’ influence in the country music world remains unmatched.

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Your Money Site

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