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Home » Top Lists » Kinds of Snapchat Emojis Meanings

Kinds of Snapchat Emojis Meanings

By Your Money Site
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An introduction to the Snapchat feature that replaced Best Friend

Snapchat users who send and receive multiple snaps with their friends will find that little emoji icons appear next to their friends’ names in the Chat tab. Some are very popular. It’s not some art. If you found these while using the app, you might be wondering what these Snapchat emojis can tell you about friendship.

First of all, what exactly are Snapchat Friend Emojis?

The Snapchat app, for both individuals and groups, tracks messaging habits with friends and then assigns users an emoji indicating their current status at the level of interaction. Whenever you send and receive a message, the emoji changes over time. Similarly, emojis can disappear completely if you stop messaging for a while.

Snapchat Friend Emoji Meaning

The emoji displayed next to a friend’s name are all about their friendship on Snapchat. Of course, not real life friendships. Currently, you can see 6 different emojis:

Two Pink Hearts: If you see two pink hearts next to your friend’s username, it means that this friend is calling your best friend on Snapchat or “Best BFF” your phone number for two months in a row. It also means that you were the best friend of the best friend of all the friends of that friend for two months.

Red Heart: When the yellow heart comes to the red heart – your “BFF” – if you are each other’s best friends for two weeks.

Yellow Hearts: If you haven’t taken them long enough yet, but if you’ve started taking pictures of your friends more often, you might see yellow hearts, which appear when they’re your best friend and best friend #1.

Smiley Face with Smiley Face: An emoji with smiling eyes and rosy cheeks next to a friend’s name is one of your best friends.

Blossoming Face: When you see an emoticon with a smirk on your face next to your friend’s name, it means you’re that friend’s best friend. But they are not your best friends. (You have another best friend.)

Grimacing face: frown next to the name of a friend ‘s face with teeth like crossing Smile is also a number of your best friend’s best friend.

Sunglasses Face: If you see a smiling face wearing sunglasses next to your username, then one of your best friends is also your best friend.

Fire: If you’re very active on Snapchat, you might see a fiery flame emoji next to someone’s name. That is, it is “snap-in”. You’ve been going back and forth with them a lot over the past few days and if you stay long, you’ll be seen next to the fire emoji.

Glitter: When you group multiple friends together, you’ll see a twinkle emoji next to them to help you identify all of your friends in the group chat.

Baby: A baby emoji next to a friend’s name means it’s a new friend just added.

Want to know some fun Snapchat tricks? You can actually change the emoji for all of the interactions listed above, so you can see the exact emoji you want to appear next to your friends’ names.

Just go to the Camera tab, tap the Ghost icon at the top to pull out the Profile tab , then tap the gear icon in the top right to access Settings, then tap Manage Preferences under ‘Additional Services’ .

In the next tab, tap Friend Emojis and you will see a list of all emojis that have that meaning there. You can set it to actually interact with the emoji you want by tapping on one of them.

For example, if you want to make your Super BFF emoji a pile of kissing emojis instead of two pink hearts, you can definitely do that. That way, whenever you have a Super BFF, a pile of mug emojis will appear in the chat tab next to that friend’s name.

Switching from Best Friends on Snapchat to Friend Emois

In earlier versions of Snapchat, you can recall the popular Best Friends feature, which lists 3 to 7 of the most taken friends at the top of the friends list . In fact, you can tap anyone’s username to reveal who’s best friend is.

Due to privacy concerns of celebrities using Snapchat, the Best Friends feature disappeared in January 2015 during an app update, disappointing users who went missing. Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel announced on Twitter that it is temporary and that privacy concerns can be addressed first.

The Best Friends feature was returned in an app update released in early April 2015, but now we know this feature as the ‘Friends emojis’ version. Unlike the old Best Friends feature, which was made public for anyone to see, friend emojis are completely private. You can only see your friends with friends, and you’ll see an emoji next to your username.

The biggest inconvenience is that most users have to find the meaning of Snapchat emoji because the app has no description. Aside from that, it’s a fun, visual way to spark users’ interest in what Snapchat’s friendships really mean!

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