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Home » Business Tips » How Cap Table Software Can Help Any Startup Organization

How Cap Table Software Can Help Any Startup Organization

By Scot Miller
A group of focused young adults gathered around a table with laptops in a bright, cozy room, collaboratively working on a project.

There are many things for any startup to consider before they embark on business so that they know that they are providing themselves with the best chance of success. Sourcing goods at the right price is a good start, as is recruiting the right team, which is both skilled and enthused. Setting achievable goals and a robust digital marketing strategy are also sensible.

Other things like finding an ideal location to trade from should also be part of the thought process, as well as ensuring that those who are putting up the capital are kept properly informed, which can be done by purchasing the software that provides the right startup cap table which is important for the following reasons.

  • The cap table provides the perfect way of tracking and recording any changes in equity within the startup, which can involve stock issuance, share cancellations and ownership, transfers, exercising options, and funding rounds. It can be complicated to keep track of using spreadsheets which can lead to errors being made whereas software delivers accuracy.

  • Having the right information in an instant creates confidence in the organization which might be on occasions when shareholder voting takes place. The cap table can provide the right information as to whether motions are carried in line with the regulations of the startup and who should have received more say in the process.

  • It offers accurate information to anyone looking to sell or buy shares, as they can be told how many they hold, what is available, and their value. Having a table that provides the right data at any given time, including the founder’s names, an option pool, and the percentage of shares that they own, will lead to a greater feeling of being a valued shareholder and can lead to a successful ethos being adopted by the startup.

  • The cap table also assists the startup in assessing its true value when investors come knocking and want to get involved in a piece of the action. It can be extremely taxing to form a startup so every bit of additional and valuable assistance should be grasped. It can ensure compliance is met which will increase confidence in the business leading to greater rewards.

The purchase of the ideal cap table software for startups will provide great assistance by providing accurate information for founders as to the number of shares they own and their value.

About the author
Scot Miller

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