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Home » Featured » Discovering Cloud-Native Technologies List

Discovering Cloud-Native Technologies List

By Your Money Site
Cloud-Native Technologies List

If you are looking for a cloud-native technologies list of cloud-native technologies that you might be interested in using for your business, you’ve come to the right place. Below, you’ll find a short list of some of the essential cloud-native technologies, along with information on how they are used and their strengths and weaknesses. You can use this list to choose the best options for your business.


Microservices are a design paradigm used in cloud-native applications. They are reusable components and interact through APIs. Each microservice has its own data, process, and state.

This allows for flexibility and scalability. If one microservice fails, the rest of the application is still functioning. With this structure, developers can release new features more quickly. It also enables the use of DevOps tools.

Microservices can be hosted on-premises or in the cloud. A cloud native strategy includes using distributed infrastructure and APIs to enable easy and fast application deployment.

You’ll need to understand the various tools and technologies available to implement a cloud-native microservices strategy. For example, Docker is an industry leader in container technology. Its features include auto-provisioning, observability, and microservice architecture.

Other tools support cloud-native application development, such as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The organization promotes the adoption of cloud-native technologies by hosting new projects, providing training and certification programs, and building a community of high-quality open-source software.


Cloud-native applications are lightweight software packages that can be deployed across many servers and environments. They are often packaged as containers. These lightweight containers contain the application’s source code, as well as its dependencies. The containers themselves are portable, allowing them to be run anywhere. This allows for more flexible deployment options, as well as greater resilience.

Developing and deploying cloud-native applications is a whole different animal. To do so, companies must adopt a different approach. As a result, they can develop and deploy applications more efficiently and in a shorter period.

Fortunately, there are several tools available to make this process easier. One of the most notable is Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform. Alibaba has embraced this platform as its container orchestration system and has dedicated efforts to improve its scalability.

Kubernetes is designed to help organizations build, run, and manage applications. It abstracts resources into logical units known as Pods, which can be easily scaled and managed. A study by the 2020 Group found that over eighty-three percent of companies are using Kubernetes in production.


Cloud-native technologies are designed to help teams build scalable applications for dynamic environments. These technologies are built with services packaged in containers. Continuous delivery workflows manage them. Using this type of approach allows businesses to move faster and stay agile.

Cloud-native applications run in public, private, or hybrid clouds. They use DevOps automation features to build robust business applications with a minimal DevOps team.

In addition, container orchestrators can deploy software updates with zero downtime. Using this approach, companies can respond quickly to market changes.

Unlike traditional applications, cloud-native applications are based on microservices. Microservices decompose an application into smaller pieces that are easier to manage and develop.

By using containers, companies can reduce costs while increasing the mobility of applications between environments. This ensures that resources are effectively utilized. Moreover, containers are portable and allow applications to run on stand-alone platforms.

Containers are also ideal for running microservices because of their low overhead. With containers, engineers can quickly push and pull Docker images with a familiar Docker interface.


Kubernetes is the latest in a long line of tools to make the cloud more efficient. It is also an open-source system that enables companies to manage containerized workloads easily. However, while the container concept has been around for years, it is only recently becoming a mainstream solution.

Kubernetes is the open-source container orchestration platform developed by Google. Originally designed to run Google’s search engine, Kubernetes has been adopted by several industries. One of the most important use cases is telecommunications. Telcos tend to deploy Kubernetes on bare metal and leverage automation to integrate their data planes.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is behind many of the most important cloud-native projects. They host new and existing projects and provide training and certifications.

In the last few years, the number of organizations implementing containers has increased. Companies now rely on containers to run their applications, which is why Kubernetes is quickly rising in popularity.

Google conceived this open-source container orchestration platform as a way to automate and scale web and app development. It allows developers to create and deploy applications with zero downtime.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) technologies are tools that help teams automate and accelerate the software development process. This enables faster updates and less downtime. CI/CD helps the best tech companies improve their products every day.

CI/CD combines the best practices of continuous integration and delivery. Using a CI/CD pipeline, you can ensure that your code is ready for deployment at any time. By deploying quickly, you will have fewer bugs and increase your customer satisfaction.

CI/CD uses automated testing to help ensure your software is free of errors. Testers work with developers and operation engineers to ensure your application’s latest version is ready to go. During a CI/CD cycle, you can also set up automated regression tests and performance tests.

CI/CD also enables fast and accurate rollouts of new products. This allows your team to find and fix problems before they affect your users. The faster your feedback loops are, the better your product is.

When developing a product using CI/CD, developers are encouraged to merge code into a shared repository as frequently as possible. The result is that new changes are automatically incorporated into the product’s codebase.

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Your Money Site

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