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Home » Business Tips » Four Reasons Why Earning an Online RN-To-BSN Degree Could Change Your Life

Four Reasons Why Earning an Online RN-To-BSN Degree Could Change Your Life

By Your Money Site

If you are an RN looking to advance your career, earning an online RN to BSN degree could be your best move. With a bachelor’s in nursing, you will be able to improve patient outcomes, advance your career, and be flexible with your work schedule.


An RN-to-BSN program can be a great way to continue your education. However, it can be challenging to choose between the various programs available. Some schools are more expensive than others.

You’ll want to look for a program that allows you to earn your degree flexibly. Many online RN-to-BSN programs will enable you to take part-time classes, making it easier to keep up with your workload.

The cost of earning a fast RN to BSN online degree varies from school to school. The program’s total cost may include miscellaneous material costs and technology fees. Also, remember that some schools offer a one-time application fee. This can be especially helpful for out-of-state students.

A full-time RN-to-BSN program can cost anywhere from $850-$1,100 per credit. While these prices vary greatly, they are still relatively inexpensive. Even more affordable are programs that offer a fixed-rate tuition plan. For example, Catawba University offers a plan that requires a one-time enrollment fee but also provides interest-free installment payments.


If you’re an RN, consider earning an online RN-to-BSN degree to help you advance your career and take on more responsibilities. It’s easy to see how an online nursing program can give you an edge in the competitive job market. 

Many RNs need help balancing work and school. An online nursing program allows you to finish your degree around your current schedule. This can be a big deal for those who work non-traditional shifts.

Another benefit of an online RN-to-BSN program is that you can study anywhere. You can access coursework on your phone or computer. You don’t have to worry about commute times or scheduling conflicts.

Online courses are also often more cost-effective. The average tuition cost for an RN-to-BSN program can range from $8000 to $55,000. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, you can take advantage of employer-sponsored tuition reimbursement benefits.

Improve Patient Outcomes

Many studies and surveys have linked a BSN degree to improved patient outcomes. This is because nurses who earn their BSNs are better prepared to deliver optimal care to patients. They are also more likely to understand how healthcare regulations affect the delivery of patient care.

As the population continues to grow, there are increasing demands for qualified nurses. Many hospitals require their staff to have a BSN to work. Even though earning a BSN can be daunting, there are options for paying for the degree. You can seek scholarships and financial aid to help you through the program.

One study found that a 10-point increase in the proportion of BSN nurses was associated with a 7.47 percent decrease in the patient death rate. The study was based on data from 510 hospitals. It was published in The Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety.

Advance your Career

RN-To-BSN Degree

If you’re a seasoned RN and have always wanted to expand your career, consider earning an RN-to-BSN degree. Not only will it boost your job performance, but it can lead to new opportunities and increased salary. A BSN is also a great accomplishment for personal satisfaction.

Many RN-to-BSN degree programs offer a flexible option, allowing you to continue working and studying. Depending on the program, you may complete work online on your own time.

The RN-to-BSN program allows you to gain the knowledge and skills you need to take on leadership positions or become an advanced nurse. It also increases your chances of promotions. You’ll also benefit from networking with other RNs and building a stronger resume.

Depending on the program, you’ll be able to finish your bachelor’s degree in as little as two years. While this sounds short, it’s a full-time commitment. You’ll also have to juggle school with your full-time job, increasing your stress level.

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Your Money Site

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